Sampo Oyj, which is best known for its bets on the insurance industry, intends for its holding in Nordea to “be materially reduced over the next 18 months,” according to a statement released on its capital markets day in Helsinki. Chief Executive Officer Torbjorn Magnusson said that means “clearly more than half” will be offloaded.


Tillsammans med Sampo och dess egna livbolag Henki-Sampo äger man nu aktier motsvarande 3,7 procent av Nordea. Det kan jämföras med tidigare 3,6 procent. Börsvärdet är 10,5 miljarder kronor. Sampos vd, och även bolagets fjärde största ägare, Björn Wahlroos intentioner med aktieköpen är höljda i dunkel.

Sampo’s February 24 CMD is Sampo’s chance to reset its equity story and restore investor confidence. Sampo Oyj omisti 860 440 497 Nordean osaketta 31.12.2016, mikä vastaa 21,2 prosentin omistusosuutta. Osakkeista maksettu keskihinta oli 6,46 euroa ja kirja-arvo konsernitaseessa oli 8,78 euroa osakkeelta. Sampo consolidates its share of all Nordea’s own funds items and minimum capital requirement to Group solvency under both Solvency II and conglomerate rules. From the view point of Sampo Group solvency Nordea is strongly capitalized and its contribution to Group’s own funds and capital requirement is significant. Sampo-konserni omistaa noin 15,9 prosenttia Pohjoismaiden suurimmasta pankista Nordeasta ja 36,25 prosenttia Nordaxista, joka on kulutusluottoihin erikoistunut pankki.

Sampo nordea spin off

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30% ja Sammon n. 20%. Sampo Group Business Areas P&C Insurance Associated Company Nordea Bank AB Life Insurance Holding Changes in Group Structure Governance Annual General Meeting Corporate Responsibility Personnel Remuneration Feb 24, 2021 Sampo Oyj said it will be "materially reducing" its stake in Nordic lender Nordea Bank Abp over the next 18 months amid plans to focus on its  Sampo to distribute extra dividend in the form of Nordea shares. In connection with the KAR Auction board approves IAA salvage auction business spin-off. Approve Agreement to Spin Off CSN Cimentos S.A., Mgmt, For, For Approve Partial Spin-Off of Petrobras International Finance Company S.A. (PIIFCO), Mgmt   Mar 1, 2021 Sampo Group's investment assets at the end of 2020 stood at EUR 22.6bn, while Mandatum Life managed EUR 6.3bn in customer assets. "These  Nasdaq Nordic continuously publishes announcements from listed companies. These could include, for example, news about an acquisition, spin-off, take-over bid  Mar 23, 2021 So far, markets are already reacting well to spin-off announcements, Sampo's stake in Nordea has been a drag on its equity story, causing  shares in Sampo, Fortum and Kemira for an aggregate in 2005, due to the spin -off of Neste Oil. Neste Oil's Investment Fund Nordea Nordic Small Cap 1.0%.

As a result of the distribution of the extra dividend, Sampo’s ownership in Nordea will decrease below 20 per cent. Hence, in the future, the Group’s solvency will only be calculated by the Solvency II rules and Nordea will be treated as a normal equity investment.

13OO: Citibank: FRN Variable Rate Fix. Apr 16, 2021. EQS-News: Nordea Bank Abp: Flagging notification. Sampo Group is made up of the parent company Sampo plc and its subsidiaries, If P&C, Mandatum, Hastings and Topdanmark.

Sampo delar ut aktier i Nordea Näringsliv 2019-08-07 08.46. Den finländska finanskoncernen Sampo, största ägare i Nordea, planerar att dela ut en del av sina aktier i bankjätten till sina egna aktieägare.

The increase in capital requirements has decreased Sampo’s solvency significantly. Finska finansbolaget Sampo ska enligt uppgifter till Di ha börjat sondera terrängen för att sälja sina aktier i Nordea. Sampo gick in i Nordea 2007 och är i dag huvudägare i storbanken. Enligt Di:s uppgifter hade Björn Wahlroos , ordförande i Sampo, en plan att fusionera banken med SEB eller Swedbank. Nordea Bank Abp’s largest shareholder, Finnish investment company Sampo Oyj, may consider selling its stake in the bank in the coming years, Swedish daily Dagens Industri reported.

Sampo nordea spin off

Chief Executive Officer Torbjorn Magnusson said that means “clearly more than half” will be offloaded. The spin-off will be treated as a special cash distribution for SAMPO OYJ CLASS A, based on the close price of NORDEA BANK ABP prior to the effective date – adjusted for the transaction terms and no withholding tax applied. Nordea Bank Abp _____ ISSUANCE by Nordea Bank Abp of instruments listed in Annex 1 Issued pursuant to the Structured Note Programme (the “Notes”) _____ EXTRAORDINARY EVENT On 08/08/2019 Sampo announced it had completed a spin-off. In the Issuer’s opinion, a spin-off constitutes an Extraordinary Event pursuant to terms and conditions of Sampo Group is made up of the parent company Sampo plc and its subsidiaries, If P&C, Mandatum, Hastings and Topdanmark. Sampo distributes an extra dividend in the form of Nordea shares Stock Exchange Release - 7 Aug 2019 at 10:20 AM Sampo plc’s Board of Directors has today, as planned and previously announced on 13 June 2019, resolved to distribute an extra dividend in the form of Nordea Bank Abp shares.
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Sampo nordea spin off

Finnish financial group Sampo said on Thursday it would distribute to its shareholders an extra dividend in the form of shares in banking group Nordea. Sampo expects to receive the approval before the release date of the January-September 2019 Interim Statement.

The profit was impacted by the one-offs in Nordea’s third quarter results and the EUR 155 million negative profit item resulting from the distribution of an extra dividend in the form of Nordea shares. Sampo Oyj omisti 860 440 497 Nordean osaketta 31.12.2016, mikä vastaa 21,2 prosentin omistusosuutta.
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Sampo största ägare i Nordea. Finländska Sampo har nu blivit största ägare i Nordea. Det bekräftar nya ägarlistor som Nordea idag publicerar. På bara tre år har finländarna med ”Nalle” Wahlroos i spetsen gått från noll till störst. Olle Zachrison.

Det bekräftar nya ägarlistor som Nordea idag publicerar.


Sampo jakanut osinkoja 5 vuodessa n. 10e ja Nordea n. 3e.

Nordea väger tungt i Sampos portfölj. Posten är i dag värd cirka 55 mil­jarder kronor och utgör unge­fär 10 procent av Sampos sam­lade tillgångar, som i övrigt består av bland annat försäk­ringsbolagen If, Mandatum Life och Topdanmark – verk­samheter som under senare år levererat avsevärt högre avkastning på eget kapital än Nordea. Sampo gick in i Nordea 2007 och är idag huvudägare i storbanken.